There are several dishonest tactics utilized by insurance companies to minimize and avoid payment of these claims, and an injured party should be extremely careful in any dealings they have with the accident liability insurance company. Insurance adjusters are trained to “take control of the case” and “gain the trust” of the injured victim, and having done so then utilize various tactics to lull the person who is disabled and/or hurting, into doing things they would not ordinarily do in taking care of their injury, and then find out later that they were deceived by the insurance adjuster to create pretexts for denial of the claim.
One example of the common devices or schemes insurance companies use to minimize and deny payment to an injured victim is through the utilization of so-called computer analysis of the claim. They will tell a person that their claim has been analyzed by the computer and the computer has generated the settlement value of the claim. This lends an air of authenticity to the offer, when in fact this is perhaps the most dishonest tactic utilized by the insurance industry to gain profits they do not deserve at the expense of injured people.